I love me some smoothies. Mmm mmm mmm. I whip em up, drink em till I die from happiness, and freeze the rest. It's a perfect system. And so so easy.
I came up with this one the other day, and it was too good not to share.
-frozen peaches (probably 1.5 cups)
-frozen strawberries (same)
-handful spinach leaves
-a few Tbs of chia seeds
-a few spoonfuls of coconut milk
-coconut water to get the right consistency
-(I also added peach protein, but it would be perfectly delicious without it)

I pretty much just blend until there are no more chunks. Then I pour myself a cup and portion the rest into mini mason jars. I freeze them and stick them in my lunch box to take to work. About halfway through the day, they are no longer frozen solid - so I drink them straight from the jar! It's like a gift that keeps on giving! :)

Do you have a favorite healthy smoothie recipe? I love getting so many nutrients in a delicious dessert-like form!
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