I always look forward to weekends because:
a) I don't have to wake up at 3:45 am to go to work
b) I always somehow convince myself that they will be restful.
Joke's always on me.
Not that I mind toooo much, because I always seem to find something fun to do.
Saturday morning we went on a bike ride to this really fun little
fishing pond in Highland. There were these really cute old ladies pushing other really cute old ladies around the pond in wheelchairs. I love riding with my husband, even though he's much faster than I am. He's nice enough to wait for me. Even when bugs fly into my helmet and I freakkk out.
Then I went and saw
The Fault in Our Stars. So often, movies don't do the book justice, but I loved this one. Want to see it again ASAP.
After that, we drove and then backpacked our way up to
Silver Lake (in American Fork Canyon, one of the prettiest around) for the night.
We got there pretty late, and were pretty sweaty after that hike (big packs make hiking way harder haha), so we set up the tent really quick and then fished. I caught one right away and felt so bad for the poor fishy that I didn't want to fish any more. But this cutie kept at it
We woke up this morning to gorgeous views, wonderful weather, and an appreciation for the beauty that is so near to us!

We hiked around for a bit, and then made our way back down to civilization. I love little things like this that don't take much planning, much work, or much time.... but you still get to have such a great experience :)